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Our fruit selected for you

We have found for you a new small valley in Sicily where exceptional citrus fruits are born and ripen.

We have met two families of farmers who for generations have cultivated citrus fruit with great passion and dedication and with them we’ve selected the best variety of fruits.

It’s our pleasure to tell you about the places of origin and varieties of citrus fruit before they arrive on your tables.

Pinkcot® apricots, Sferro (CT)

The soil of the Catanese area has been famous for apricots since the 15th century.

In the village of Sferro (CT) a family of farmers of past times have been growing only organic certified apricots for generations. With them we have selected the sweet mono Pinkcot® variety of apricots the skin of which is slightly acidic and whose pulp is rich in scents of plum and cherry. The first days of June of each year it reaches the correct maturity.